An historical atlas of Indian affairs has for some time past been
in course of preparation under the direction of the Bureau of
Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution.
The chief aim of this atlas is to show upon a series of State and
Territorial maps the boundaries of the various tracts of country
which have from time to time been acquired through the medium of
treaty stipulation or act of Congress from the several Indian tribes
resident within the present territory of the United States from the
beginning of the Federal period to the present day.
Accompanying this atlas will be one or more volumes of historical
text, wherein will be given with some detail a history of the
official relations between the United States and these tribes. This
will treat of the various negotiations for peace and for the
acquisition of territory, the causes rendering such negotiations
necessary, and the methods observed by the Government through its
authorized agents in this diplomacy, as well as other matters of
public concern growing out of the same.
Read more..
- Introduction
- Colonial Period
- Federal
- Treaties with
the Cherokee
- Treaty of 1721
- Treaty Relations
with the United States
Proceedings At Treaty Of Hopewell
- Protest of
North Carolina and Georgia
- Treaty Concluded
July 2, 1791; Proclaimed February 7, 1992
- Treaty Concluded
February 17, 1792; Proclaimed February 17, 1792
- Treaty
Concluded June 26, 1794; Proclaimed January 21, 1795
Treaty Concluded October
2, 1798
Treaty Concluded October
24, 1804; Proclaimed May 17, 1824
Treaty Concluded October
25, 1805; Proclaimed April 24, 1806
Treaty Concluded
October 27, 1805; Proclaimed June 10, 1806
Concluded January 7, 1806; Proclaimed May 23, 1807
Treaty Concluded September
11, 1807; Proclaimed April 22, 1808
Native American Nations