Caddo Indian Tribe

Native Americans, Indian Tribes, Indian History

Caddo Indian Genealogy

Tribal Pages
A listing of all the Caddo resources we could find by searching the Web for you. 

     Caddo (contracted from Kä'dohädä'cho, 'Caddo proper,' `real Caddo,' a leading tribe in the Caddo confederacy, extended by the whites to include the confederacy).
     A confederacy of tribes belonging to the southern group of the Caddoan linguistic family. Their own name is Hasínai, our own folk.' See Kadohadacho.
     History According to tribal traditions the lower Red river of Louisiana was the early home of the Caddo, from which they spread to the northwest, and south. Several of the lakes and streams connected with this river bear Caddo names, as do some of the counties and some of the towns which cover ancient village sites.


Native American Land Patents
A listing by state and tribe for Land Patents issued by the government to Native Americans

Notes on the Caddo
Complete book online, a few genealogy pages are included in this book.

Tribal Migrations East of the Mississippi
Four maps provide Tribal movement of the Muskhogean, Siouan, Uchean, Iroquoian, Algonquian, and Caddoan.

Caddo Mailing List
A mailing list for any one researching their Caddo Ancestors

Post a Caddo Query

Caddo History
Caddo Customs and Beliefs
Caddo Divisions and Totems


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