The publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology consists of
Contributions to North American Ethnology, Annual Reports,
Bulletins, Introductions, Miscellaneous Publications, and the
Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.
- First annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Sketch of the mythology of the North American Indians,
J. W. Powell
Wyandot Government, J. W. Powell
- On limitations of the use of some anthropologic data, J.
W. Powell
Study of Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians,
Dr. H. C. Yarrow
- Studies of Central American Picture-writing, Edward S.
Cessions of land by Indian Tribes to the United States,
Indiana, C. C. Royce
- Sign Language among North American Indians, Garrick
- Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in the Library of
the Bureau of Ethnology, James C. Pilling
- Illustrations of the Method of recording Indian
Language, Messrs J. O. Dorsey, A. S. Gatschet and S. R.
- Second annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Zuñi fetiches, Frank
Hamilton Cushing
- Myths of the Iroquois, Erminnie A. Smith
- Animal carvings from mounds of the Mississippi Valley,
Henry W. Henshaw
- Navajo Silversmiths, Dr. Washington Matthews
- Art in shell of the ancient Americans, William H. Holmes
- Illustrated catalogue of the collections obtained from
the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona in 1879, James
- Illustrated catalogue of the collections obtained from
the Indians of New Mexico in 1880, James Stevenson
- Third annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts, Prof.
Cyrus Thomas
- On masks, labrets and certain aboriginal customs with an
inquiry into the bearing of their geographical distribution,
William Healey Dall
- Omaha Sociology, Rev. J. Owen Dorsey
- Navajo weavers, Dr. Washington Matthews
- Prehistoric textile fabrics of the United States derived
from impressions on pottery, William H. Holmes
- Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collections
made by the Bureau of Ethnology during the field season in
1881, William H. Holmes
- Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collections
obtained from the pueblos of Zuñi,
New Mexico and Wolpi Arizona in 1881, James Stevenson
- Fourth annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Photographs of the North American Indian, Garrick
- Pottery of the ancient Pueblos, William H. Holmes
- Ancient pottery of the Mississippi Valley, William H.
- Origin and development of form and ornament in ceramic
art, William H. Holmes
- A study of Pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zuñi
culture-growth, Fred Hamilton Cushing
- Fifth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Burial mounds of the northern sections of the United
States, Prof. Cyrus Thomas
- The Cherokee Nation of Indians: A narrative of their
official relations with the Colonial and Federal
governments, Charles C. Royce
- The mountain chant: A Navajo ceremony, Dr. Washington
- The Seminole Indians of Florida, Clay MacCauley
- The religious life of the Zuñi
child, Mrs. Tilly E. Stevenson
- Sixth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Ancient art of the province of Chiriquí, Columbia,
William H. Holmes
- A study of the textile art in its relation to the
development of form and ornament, William H. Holmes
- Aids to the study of the Maya codices, Prof. Cyrus
- Osage traditions, Rev. J. Owen Dorsey
- The Central Eskimo, Dr. Franz Boas
- Seventh Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Eighth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- A study of Pueblo architecture, Tusayan and Cibola,
Victor Mindeleff
- Ceremonial of Hasjelti Daijis and mythical sand
paintings of the Navajo Indians, James Stevenson
- Ninth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Ethnological results of the Point Barrow Expedition,
John Murdoch
- The medicine-men of the Apache, John G. Bourke
- Tenth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
- Picture writing of the American Indians, Garrick Mallery
- Eleventh Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology
- The Sia, Matilda Coxe Stevenson
- Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory,
Lucien M. Turner
- A study of Siouan cults, James Owen Dorsey
- Twelfth Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology
- Report on the mound explorations of the Bureau of
Ethnology, Cyrus Thomas
This site includes some historical
materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language
of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the
historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the WebMasters in
any way endorse the stereotypes implied.
List of Publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1956
and 1971
Native American Nations