The task of writing up in general terms the policy of
Pennsylvania during its colonial history is a pleasant one, first,
because it seldom varied, so far as it related to its lands, from
that consistent with honor and justice; and, second, because it was
so uniform that a comparatively brief statement will suffice to
present all that is necessary to be said.
The Dutch claim of land on the Schuylkill purchased in 1633 by Arent
Corsen of "Amettehooren Alibakinne, Sinques, sachems over the
district of country called Armenveruis," may be dismissed as
doubtful. Nevertheless, it is consistent with their general rule of
basing claims to land on purchases from the Indians.
If the statement by Smith, given above (under New Jersey), that the
Swedes in 1627 "purchased of some Indians the land from Cape Inlopen
to the Falls of the Delaware" be correct, this is the first purchase
of land in Pennsylvania. It is denied, however, that the Swedes made
any settlements on the Delaware until after 1633, and the fact that
the Dutch based their claim on the above mentioned purchase in 1633
would agree with the latter opinion. This, however, is a question of
no importance in the present discussion.
In 1638 Minuet, who had gone over from the Dutch to the Swedes,
landed with colonists near the mouth of Minquas creek, where, after
having purchased the 'Land from the Indians, he erected a fort, or
trading house, which he named Christina.
At the same time Minuet purchased from the Indians the whole western
shore of the Delaware to the falls near the present site of Trenton.
Acrelius, speaking of this transaction, says1
that immediately land was bought from the Indians, a deed was given,
written in Low Dutch (as no Swede could yet interpret the Indian).
By this agreement the Swedes obtained all the western land on the
river from Cape Henlopen to the falls of Trenton, then called by the
Indians Santican, and as much inward from it, in breadth, as they
might want. It is more than probable that this is really the
transaction referred o to by Smith,2
which has been antedated and made to include "both sides of the
The following remarks, by George Smith,3
in reference to this purchase, are worthy of quotation:
It was the first effort
of civilized man to extinguish the Indian title to the
district of country that is to claim our particnlar
attention. It will be seen that it embraced Swanendael,
for which the Dutch had already acquired the Indian
title, and also the lands about the Schuylkill to which,
on account of prior purchase, they set up a rather
doubtful claim. The lands within the limits of our
county were free from any counter claim on this account;
and it follows, that to the wise policy of the Swedes we
are really indebted for the extinguishment of the Indian
title to our lands, a policy first introduced y the
Dutch as a matter of expediency, and subsequently
adopted by William Penn on the score of strict justice
to the natives.
But it cannot be contended, that in accordance with
national law, this purchase from the natives, gave to
the Swedish government any legal claim to the country.
They had no legal right to make purchases from the
Indians. To the Dutch, as discoverers of the river,
.belonged the right of preemption, or if any doubt
existed on this point, it would be in favor of the
English. As against the Swedes, the Dutch claim rested
not only on discovery, but the exercise of preemption
and occupancy. |
On the 25th day of September, 1646, the Dutch purchased some land
which included a portion of the grounds now occupied by
Philadelphia, "as it also certainly did some of the lands that had
been purchased by the Swedes."
As the policy of the Dutch and the Swedes, in their dealings with
the Indians regarding the lands of the latter, has been fully shown
in the sections relating to New York and New Jersey, it is
unnecessary to dwell further on it. It may, however, be repeated
that throughout the disputes and contentions of these two parties,
both in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, both recognized fully the
possessory right of the natives, and considered no claim valid
unless based on a purchase from them.
William Penn, having obtained from Charles II in 1681 a charter for
the province, sent in advance his relative, Colonel William Markham,
who was his secretary. He was accompanied by several commissioners,
who were to confer with the Indians respecting their lands, and to
endeavor to make with them a league of permanent peace. They were
enjoined by Penn to treat them with all possible candor, justice,
and humanity.4 However, it does not
appear that these commissioners were associated with Markham in the
single purchase he made of the Indians prior to Penn's arrival. This
was the large purchase on the Delaware above Shackamaxon.
The deed, as given in the "Pennsylvania Archives)5
(though of somewhat doubtful authenticity), is as follows:
Indian Deed to Wm. Penn, 1682
INDENTURE, made the 15th day of July, in the year of or
Lord, according to English Accompt, one Thousand Six
Hundred Eighty Two, Between Idquahon, Ieanottowe,
Idquoquequon, Sahoppe for himself and Okonikon,
Merkekowon Orecton for Nannacussey, Shaurwawghon,
Swanpisse, Nahoosey, Tomakhickon, Westkekitt & Tohawsis,
Indyan Sachamakers of y, one pte, And William Penn,
Esquire, Chief Proprietor of the Province of
Pennsylvania of the other pte: Witnesseth that for and
in Consideration of the sums and particulars of Goods,
merchandises, and utensils herein after mentioned and
expressed, (That is to say,) Three Hundred and fifty
fathoms of Wampam, Twenty white Blankets, Twenty fathoms
of Strawd waters, Sixty fathoms of Duffields, Twenty
Kettles, flower whereof large, Twenty Guns, Twenty
Coates, forty Shirts, forty pair of Stockings, forty
Hoes, forty Axes, Two Barrels of Powder, Two Hundred
Bars of Lead, Two Hundred Knives, Two Hundred small
Glasses, Twelve pair of Shoes, forty Copper Boxes, forty
Tobacco Tonngs, Two small Barrels of Pipes, forty pair
of Scissors, forty Combs, Twenty flour pounds of Red
Lead, one Hundred Aules, Two handfuls of fish-hooks, Two
handfuls of needles, forty pounds of Shot, Ten Bundles
of Beads, Ten small Saws, Twelve drawing knives, flower
anthers of Tobacco, Two anthers of Rum, Two anthers of
Syder, Two anthers of Beer, And Three Hundred Guilders,
by the said William Penn, his Agents or Assigns, to the
said Indyan Sachamakers, for the use of them and their
People, at and before Sealing and delivery hereof in
hand paid and delivered, whereof and wherewith they the
said Sachemakers doe hereby acknowledge themselves fully
satisfied Contented and paid. The said Indyan
Sachamakers, (parties to these presents,) as well for
and on the behalf of themselves as for and on the behalf
of their Respective Indyans or People for whom they are
concerned, Have Granted, Bargained, sold and delivered,
And by these presents doe fully, clearly and absolutely
Grant, bargain, sell and deliver veto the said William
Penn, his Heirs and Assigns forever, All that or Those
Tract or Tracts of Land lyeing and being in the Province
of Pennsylvania aforesaid, Beginning at a certain white
oak in the Land now in the tenure of John Wood, and by
him called the Gray Stones over against the falls of
Delaware River, And Soe from thence up by the River side
to a corner marked Spruce Tree with the letter P at the
foot of a mountain, And from the said corner marked
Spruce Tree along y the Ledge or foot of the mountains
west north west to a Corner white oak, marked with the
letter P, standing by the Indyan path that Leads to an
Indyan Towne called Playwicky, and near the head of a
Creek called Towsissinck, And from thence westward to
the Creek called Neshammonys Creek, And along by the
said Neshammonyes Creek unto the River Delaware, alias
Makeriskhickon; And so bounded by the said Mayne River
to the said first mentioned white oak in John Wood's
Land; And all those Islands called or known by the
several names of Mattinicunk Island, Sepassincks Island,
and Orecktons Island, lying or being in the said River
Delaware, Together also with all and singular Isles,
Islands, Rivers, Rivoletts, Creeks, Waters, Ponds,
Lakes, Plaines, Hills, Monntaynes, Meadows, Marrishes,
Swamps, Trees, Woods, Mines, minerals and Appurtennces
whatsoever to the said Tract or Tracts of Land belonging
or in any wise Appertaining; And the reversion and
reversions, Remainder and Remainders. thereof, And all
the Estate, Right, Tytle, Interest, use, property,
Clayme and demand what so ever, as well of them the said
Indyan Sackamakers (Ptyes to these presents) as of all
and every other the Indians Concerned therein or in any
pte. or Peel. thereof. To HAVE, AND TO HOLD the said
Tract or Tracts of Land, Islands, and all and every
other the said Granted premises, with their and every of
their Appurtenances veto the said William Penn, his
Heires and Assigns forever, To the only pper use &
behoove of the sayd William Penn, his Heires and Assigns
forevermore. And the said Indyan Sachamakers and their
Heires and successors, and every of them, the said Tract
or Tracts of Land, Islands, and all and every other the
said Granted promises, with their and every of their
Appurtenances unto the said William Penn, his Heires and
Assigns forever, against them the sayd Indyan
Sachamakers, their Heirs and successors, and against all
and every Indyan and Indyans and their Heires and
successors, Clayming or to Clayme, any Right, Tytle or
Estate, into or out of the sayd Granted premises, or any
pte. or prcel. thereof, shall and will warrant and
forever defend by these presents; In witness whereof the
said Parties to these present Indentures Interchangeably
have sett their hands and seales. |
The following supplementary article was signed August 1,1682:
WEE, whose names are
underwritten, for our Selves and in name and behalf of
the rest of the within mentioned Shaekamachers, in
respect of a mistake in the first bargain betwixt us and
the within named Wm: Penn, of the number of Ten guns
more than are mentioned in the within deed when we
should then have received, doe now acknowledge the
receipt of the snide term guns from the said Wm. Penn;
And whereas in the said deed there is certain mention
made of three hundred and fifty fathom of Wampum, not
expressing the quality thereof, We yrfore for our
Selves, and in behalf also do declare the same to be one
half white wampum and the other half black wampum; And
we, Peperappamand, Pyterhay and Eytepamatpetts; Indian
Shachamakers; who were the first owners of ye Land
called Soepassincks, & of ye island of ye same name, and
who did not formerly Sign and Seal ye within deed, nor
were present when the same was done, doe now y signing
and sealing hereof, Ratefie, approve and confirm ye
within named deed and the ye partition of ye Lands
within mentioned written and confirm thereof in all ye
points, clauses, and articles of ye same, and doe
declare our now sealing hereof to be as valid, effectual
and sufficient for ye conveyance of ye whole Lands, and
of here within named to ye sd. Wm. Penn, his heirs and
assigns for evermore, as if we had their with the other
within named Shachamakers signed and sealed in ye same. |
As there was no change of policy in this respect during the
colonial history of Pennsylvania, a brief reference to some of the
more important purchases, and a few of the laws bearing on the
subject, will suffice for the purpose at present in view.
As remarked by Smith in a note to his Collection of the Laws of
Pennsylvania,6 "The early Indian deeds.
are vague and undefined as to their boundaries and the stations can
not be precisely ascertained at this day." This is true of the one
given above, and is certainly true of some of those mentioned below.
However, according to. the same authority, "the deed of September
17th 1718 seems to define pretty clearly, the extent and limits of
the lands acquired by the several purchases to that period."
The lands granted by the deed of June 23, 1683, were those "lying
betwixt Pemmapecka and Neshemineh creeks, and all along upon
Neshemineh creek, and backward of the same, and to run two days
journey with an horse up into the country, as the said river doth
go." By another deed of the same date, two. sachems who had not
joined in the first, released to Penn the same territory, omitting
the "two day's journey.' "The extent of this purchase," says Smith,
"would be considerable, and greatly beyond the limits of the
subsequent deed of Sept. 1718."
Another deed by a single sachem, one Wingebone, dated June 25 of the
same year, grants "all my lands lying on ye west side of ye Skolkill
river beginning from ye first Falls of ye same all along upon ye sd
river and backward of ye same as far as my right goeth."
July 14, 1683, two "Indian Shackamakers" claiming to be the right
owners thereof, granted to Penn the lands lying between Manaiunk
(Schuylkill) and Macopauackhan (Chester) rivers, "beginning on the
West side of Manaiunk [obliteration] called Consohockhan
[obliteration], and from thence by a westerly line to the said river
On the same day four "Shackamakers and right owners of ye lands
lying between Manaiunk als [alias] Schulkill and Pemmapecka creeks,"
granted all their rights to said lands as far as the hill called
Consohockan on Manaiunk river, and from thence by a northwest line
to Pemmapecka river. In his note on this purchase, Smith says, "What
was the true situation of the Conshohockan hill can not, perhaps, be
now ascertained. That it could not be very high up the Schuylkill is
apparent; otherwise a (northwest line' from it, as mentioned in the
deed last recited, would never strike Pennepack creek, nor would the
line mentioned in deed of July, 1685, hereafter cited, touch the
Chester and Pennepack creeks.'
September 10, 1683, grant from Kekelappan of Opasiskunk, for his
half of all his land betwixt Susquehanna and Delaware, which lay on
the Susquehanna side, with a promise to sell the remainder next
October 181 1683, Machaloha, claiming to be owner of the lands from
Delaware river to Chesapeake bay, and up to the falls of the
Susquehanna, conveys his right to Penn.
June 3, 1684, deed from Manghougsin for all his land on Pahkehoma
(now Perkioming).
June 7, 1684, Richard Mettamicont, calling himself owner of the
land on both sides of Pemmapecka creek, on Delaware river, sells to
July 30, 1685; deed from four "Sakemakers" for lands between
(Macopanackan (Chester) creek and Pemapecka (Dublin) creek;
"Beginning at the hill called Conshohockin on the river Manaiunk or
Skoolkill; from thence extends in a parallel line to the said
Macopanackan als Chester creek by a southwesterly course, and from
the said Conshohocken bill up to ye aforesaid Pemapecka, als Dublin
creek, by ye said parallel line northeasterly, and so up along the
sd Pemapecka creek so far as the creek extends, and so from thence
northwesterly back into ye woods to make up two full days journey,
as far as a man can go, in two days from the said station of ye sd
parallel line at Pemapecka; also beginning at the sd parallel at
Macopanackan (als Chester) creek, and so from thence up the sd creek
as far as it extends; and from thence northwesterly back into the
woods to make up two full days journey, as far as a man can go in
two days from the sd station of the sd parallel line at ye sd
Macopanackan (als Chester) creek."
As it may be desirable to know the consideration paid for some of
these purchases, the items mentioned in this case are given here, to
wit: 200 fathoms wampum; 30 fathoms duffels; 30 guns; 60 fathoms
Stroud-waters; 30 kettles; 30 shirts; 20 gimlets; 12 pairs shoes; 30
pairs stockings; 30 pairs scissors; 30 combs; 30 axes; 30 knives; 31
tobacco tongs; 30 bars lead; 30 pounds powder; 30 awls; 30 glasses;
30 tobacco boxes; 3 papers beads; 44 pounds red lead; 30 pairs hawk
bells; 6 drawing knives; 6 caps; 12 hoes.
October 2, 1685, a deed from twelve "Indian kings, shackamakers"7
to all the lands from Quing Quingus (or Duck) creek unto Upland
(Chester) creek, all along by the west side of Delaware river, and
so between said creeks backward as far as a man can ride in two days
with a horse.
June 15, 1692, deed from four "kings" to the land "lying between
Nesbamina and Poquessing" upon the Delaware and extending backward
to the utmost bounds of the province.
In his note on this purchase, Smith remarks that "these limits on
the Deleware, are precisely defined. The Poquessing, a name still
retained (as is Neshaminey), is the original boundary between the
counties of Philadelphia and Bucks, as ascertained in 1685."
July 5,1697, deed from the great sachem Taminy, his brother and
sons, to the lands between Pemmopeck and Neshaminey creeks,
extending in length from the Delaware "so far as a horse can travel
in two summer days, and to carry its breadth according as the
several courses of the said two creeks will admit. And when the said
creeks do so branch that the main branches or bodies thereof cannot
be discovered, then the tract of land hereby granted shall stretch
forth unto a direct course on each side and so carry on the full
breadth to the extent of the length thereof."
September 13,1700, deed from "Widaagh alias Orytyagh and An-daggy-junk-quagh
kings or Sachems of the Susquehannagh Indians," for the Susquehanna
river and all the islands therein, and all the lands on both sides
thereof and "next adjoining to ye same, extending to the utmost
confines of the lands which are, or formerly were the right of the
people or nation called the Susquehannagh Indians, or by what name
soever they were called or known thereof." As this embraced the same
lands that Penn had purchased in 1696 of Colonel Dongan; who claimed
to have purchased it of the Indians, a clause confirming that sale
was added in the deed. Penn was very anxious to secure an undisputed
right to Susquehanna river and the immediate lands along its course
through the province, therefore no opportunity was lost to bring
this title to the notice of the Indians in his dealings with them.
The claim of the Five Nations was finally extinguished by the treaty
at Philadelphia in 1736.
"About this period," says Smith, "the Indian purchases become more
important, and the boundaries more certain and defined, and
principles were established, and acquired the force of settled law,
of deep interest to landholders; and which have been since uniformly
recognized, and at this moment govern and control our judicial
By a deed of September 17, 1718, from sundry Delaware chiefs, all
the lands between the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers from Duck
creek to the mountains on this side of Lechay [Lehigh] were granted,
and all former deeds for lands in these bounds were confirmed. By
this agreement all the preceding deeds, westward "two days'
journey," etc, which would extend far beyond the Lehigh hills, were
restricted to those hills.
It is apparent from these deeds, which will suffice to show clearly
the policy adopted by Penn, that, though just and humane, his method
was somewhat peculiar. His chief object appears to have been to
extinguish claims, and to give satisfaction to the natives for their
possessory rights, rather than to fix definite and accurate
boundaries of the lands purchased. It seems from the wording of the
deeds and the bounds and extent indicated, that the intention was to
cover all possible claims of those making the grants. Hence it was
an item of little importance to the proprietor of the province that
these deeds often overlapped and included areas obtained from other
As the policy adopted in this colony is clearly shown from what has
been stated, it is unnecessary to refer to more than two or three of
the general laws on the subject.
By the act of October 14, 1700, it was declared "that if any
person presumed to buy any land of the natives within the limits of
this Province and Territories, without leave from the Proprietary
thereof, every such bargain or purchase shall be void and of no
This, however, failing to prevent individuals from surreptitious
efforts to obtain possession of Indian lands, an additional and more
stringent act was passed October 14, 1729, as follows:
A supplementary Act to
an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, An Act
against buying Land of the Natives.
Whereas divers Laws have, from Time to Time, been acted
in this Province, for preserving Peace, and cultivating
a good understanding with the Indian Natives thereof:
And whereas, notwithstanding the Provision made y the
said former Act, against purchasing Land of the said
Natives, without Leave from the Proprietary, the Peace
of the Public has been and may further be endangered by
the Proceedings of some persons, who, to elude the said
Act now in Force against such Practices, do, contrary to
the Intention thereof, pretend to take Land of the
Natives, on Lease, or for Term of Years, or to bargain
with the Indians for the Herbage, or for the Timber or
Trees, Mines, or Waters thereof: and others, who,
without any Authority, have settled upon and taken
Possession of vacant Lands, as well to the manifest
Contravention of the Royal Grant of the Soil of this
Province from the Crown to the Proprietary and his
Heirs, and the apparent Damage of such Persons who have
Right to take up Lands heretofore granted to them within
this Province, as to the laying a Foundation for
Disputes, Misunderstandings and Breaches with the said
Natives and others: For the Prevention whereof, Be it
enacted by the Honorable Patrick Gordon, Esq; Lieutenant
Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. y and with
the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the
Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met,
and by the Authority of the same, That no Person or
Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, shall
at any Time hereafter, for any Cause or Consideration,
or on any Pretence whatsoever, presume to purchase,
bargain, contract, for, have or take, of or from any
Indian, Native or Natives, by any Manner of Gift, Grant,
Bargain or Sale, in Fee-simple, or for Life, Lives,
Terms of Years, or any Estate whatsoever, any Lands,
Tenements, or Hereditaments, within the Limits of this
Province, or any Manner of Right, Title, Interest or
Claim, in or to any such Lands, Tenements or
Hereditaments, or in or to any Herbage, Trees, Fishings,
Rivers, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Rights,
Liberties or Privileges, of or belonging unto any such
Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, without the Order or
Direction of the Proprietary or Proprietaries of this
Province, or of his or their Proprietary Commissioners
or Deputies, authorized and appointed, or to be
authorized and appointed for the Management of the
Proprietary Affairs of this Province, for and in Behalf
of the Proprietary or Proprietaries thereof for the Time
being; and that every Gift, Grant, Bargain; Sale,
written or verbal Contract or Agreement, and every
pretended Conveyance, Lease, Demise, and every other
Assurance made, or that shall be hereafter made, with
any of the said Indian Natives, for any such Lands,
Tenements or Hereditaments, Herbage, Trees, Rivers,
Waters, Fishings, Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Rights,
Liberties or Privileges whatsoever, within the Limits of
this Province, without the Order and Direction of the
Proprietary or his Commissioners. as aforesaid, shall be
and is hereby declared and enacted. to be null, void,
and of none effect, to all Intents, Constructions and
Purposes in the Law whatsoever. And that as well the
Grantee, Bargain, Lessee, Purchaser, or Person
pretending to bargain, or to have bargained or agreed
with any Indian Native as aforesaid, contrary to the the
true Intent and Meaning of this Act, as all and every
Person or Persons entering into and taking Possession of
any Lands within the Province of Pennsylvania, not
located or surveyed by some Warrant or Order from the
Proprietary or Proprietaries, his or their Agents or
Commissioners as aforesaid, to the Person or Persons
possessing said Lands, or to some Person or Persons
under whom they claim, and upon reasonable Notice and
Request, refusing to remove, deliver up the Possession,
or to make Satisfaction, for such Lands, shall and may
be proceeded against in such Manner as is prescribed y
the several Statue's of that Part of the Kingdom of
Great Britain, called England, made against forcible
Entries and Detainers; and that' no Length of Possession
shall be a Plea against such Prosecution.8 |
In April, 1760, an act was passed "to prevent the hunting of deer
and other wild beasts beyond the limits of the lands purchased of
the Indians by the Proprietaries of this Province, and against
killing deer out of season."
Trouble having been brought upon the colony by the encroachments on
the Indians' lands, and war from other causes having been carried on
against the western settlements of the. province by the. Delaware
and Shawnees, soon after peace was restored the following law was
passed, October 14, 1768:
AN ACT to prevent
Persons from settling on the Lands, within the
Boundaries of this Province,
not purchased of the Indians.
Whereas many disorderly Persons have presumed to settle
upon Lands not purchased of the Indians, which has
occasioned great Uneasiness and Dissatisfaction on the
Part of the said Indians, and have been attended with
dangerous Consequences to the Peace and Safety of this
Province; For Remedy of which Mischief in future, Be it
Enacted by the Honorable John Penn, Esq; Lieutenant
Governor, under the Honorable Thomas Penn, and Richard
Penn, Esquires, true and absolute Proprietors of the
Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New Castle,
Kent and Sussex upon Delaware, by and with the Advice
and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the
said Province, in General Assembly met, and y the
Authority of the same. That if any Person or Persons,
after the Publication of this Act, either singly or in
Companies, shall presume to settle upon any Lands,
within the Boundaries of this Province, not purchased of
the Indians, or shall make or cause any Survey to be
made, of any Part thereof, or mark or cut down any Trees
thereon, with Design to, settle or appropriate the same
to his own, or the use of any other
Person or Persons whatsoever, every such Person or
Persons so offending, being legally convicted thereof in
any Court of Quarter Sessions of the County where such
Offenders shall be apprehended (in which said Court the
Offences are hereby made Cognizable) shall forfeit and
pay, for every such Offence, the Sum of Five Hundred
Pounds, and suffer Twelve Months Imprisonment,
without Bail or Mainprize; and shall, moreover, find
Surety for his good Behavior during the Space of Twelve
Months from and after the Expiration of the Term of such
Imprisonment; one Moiety of the said Sum of Money to the
Prosecutor, and the other Moiety to the Overseers of the
Poor of the City or Township where such Offender shall
be apprehended, to the Use of the Poor thereof. |
By the close of the eighteenth century, or at least before the
year 1810, all the land within the bounds of Pennsylvania, including
the addition forming Erie county, had been purchased from the
Indians. There was other legislation relating to the subject, but as
it is of the same tenor as that given it is unnecessary to quote it
That the policy of this colony, inaugurated by William Penn, was
just and honorable must be conceded from the evidence given above,
and that it was so considered by the Indians is a matter of history.
The method pursued in making purchases from the Indians, however,
was peculiar, as is apparent from the deeds which have been
preserved, some of which have been noticed. The object, as remarked
above, seems to have been to extinguish claims rather than to
purchase definite bodies of land. The consequence was that the
grants often overlapped one another and tracts had to be purchased
twice or three times where there were conflicting claims, as in case
of the valley of the Susquehanna. Part of the payment for the first
deed, as will be seen by reference to the copy given above,
consisted of rum. This, however, appears to have been the only one
for which intoxicants formed part of the payment.
1 Pennsylvania Magazine, Hist. Soc. Penn., vol.
iii, p. 280.
2 History of Now Jersey, p. 22.
3 History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, pp.
24-25. s
4 Clarkson, Memoirs of William-Penn (1827), p.112.
5 Vol. I, pp. 47, 48.
6 Vol, 11 (1810), pp. 106-124, footnote.
7 It is deemed unnecessary to give the names of
these Indians.
8 Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, 1775, pp. 157-158
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First annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
Land Cessions in the United States