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Creek Indian Genealogy
Pages Creek, A confederacy forming the
largest division of the Muskhogean family. They received their name form
the English on account of the numerous streams in their country. During
early historic times the Creek occupied the greater portion of Alabama and
Georgia, residing chiefly on Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers, the two largest
tributaries of the Alabama river and on the Flint and Chattahoochee
Rivers. They claimed the territory on the east from the Savannah to St.
Johns river and all the islands, thence to Apalachee Bay, and from this
line northward to the mountains. The south portion of this territory was
held by dispossession of the earlier Florida tribes. They sold to Great
Britain at an early date their territory between Savannah and Ogeechee
rivers, all the coast to St Johns river, and all the islands up to
tidewater, reserving for themselves St Catherine, Sapelo, and Ossabaw
Ilands, and from Pipemakers Bluff to Savannah (Morse, N. Am., 218, 1776).
Thus occupying a leading position among the Muskhogean tribes the Creeks
were sufficiently numerous and powerful to resist attacks from the
northern tribes, as the
Shawnee, and
Cherokee, after they had united in a confederacy, which they did at an
early day. The dominating tribes at the time of the confederation seem to
have been the Abihka (or Kusa), Kasihta, Kawita, Oakfuskee, and some other
tribe or tribes at the junction of Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers. Nothing
certain can be said of their previous condition, or of the time when the
confederacy was established, but it appears from the narratives of De
Soto's expedition that leagues among several of these towns existed in
1540, over which head chiefs presided.
Native American Land Patents
South East Native American Research
Notes on the Creek
1896 Applications
Creek SE
Handbook of American Indian, Hodge
Indian Tribes of North
America, Swanton
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