(May 1, 1889.)
Although the existence of a few widely-scattered individuals enables
us to say that the bison is not yet absolutely extinct in a wild
state, there is no reason to hope that a single wild and unprotected
individual will remain alive ten years hence. The nearer the species
approaches to complete extermination, the more eagerly are the
wretched fugitives pursued to the death whenever found. Western
hunters are striving for the honor (?) of killing the last buffalo,
which, it is to be noted, has already been slain about a score of
times by that number of hunters.
The buffaloes still alive in a wild state are so very few, and have
been so carefully "marked down" by hunters, it is possible to make a
very close estimate of the total number remaining. In this
enumeration the small herd in the Yellowstone National Park is
classed with other herds in captivity and under protection, for the
reason that, had it not been for the protection afforded by the law
and the officers of the Park, not one of these buffaloes would be
living to-day. Were the restrictions of the law removed now, every
one of those animals would be killed within three months. Their
heads alone are worth from $25 to $50 each to taxidermists, and for
this reason every buffalo is a prize worth the hunter's winning. Had
it not been for stringent laws, and a rigid enforcement of them by
Captain Harris, the last of the Park buffaloes would have been shot
years ago by Vic. Smith, the Rea Brothers, and other hunters, of
whom there is always an able contingent around the Park.
In the United States the death of a buffalo is now such an event
that it is immediately chronicled by the Associated Press and
telegraphed all over the country. By reason of this, and from
information already in hand, we are able to arrive at a very fair
understanding of the present condition of the species in a wild
In December, 1886, the Smithsonian expedition left about fifteen
buffaloes alive in the bad lands of the Missouri-Yellowstone divide,
at the head of Big Porcupine Creek. In 1887 three of these were
killed by cowboys, and in 1888 two more, the last death recorded
being that of an old bull killed near Billings. There are probably
eight or ten stragglers still remaining in that region, hiding in
the wildest and most broken tracts of the bad lands, as far as
possible from the cattle ranches, and where even cowboys seldom go
save on a round-up. From the fact that no other buffaloes, at least
so far as can be learned, have been killed in Montana during the
last two years, I am convinced that the bunch referred to are the
last representatives of the species remaining in Montana.
In the spring of 1886 Mr. B. C. Winston, while on a hunting trip
about 75 miles west of Grand Rapids, Dakota, saw seven
buffaloes-five adult animals and two calves; of which he killed one,
a large bull, and caught a calf alive. On September 11, 1888, a
solitary bull was killed 3 miles from the town of Oakes, in Dickey
County. There are still three individuals in the unsettled country
lying between that point and the Missouri, which are undoubtedly the
only wild representatives of the race east of the Missouri River.
On April 28, 1887, Dr. William Stephenson, of the United States
Army, wrote me as follows from Pilot Butte, about 30 miles north of
Rock Springs, Wyoming:
"There are undoubtedly buffalo within 50 or 60 miles of here, two
having been killed out of a band of eighteen some ten days since by
cowboys, and another band of four seen near there. I hear from
cattlemen of their being seen every year north and northeast of
This band was seen once in 1888. In February, 1889, Hon. Joseph M.
Carey, member of Congress from Wyoming, received a letter informing
him that this band of buffaloes, consisting of twenty-six head, had
been seen grazing in the Red Desert of Wyoming, and that the Indians
were preparing to attack it. At Judge Carey's request the Indian
Bureau issued orders which it was hoped would prevent the slaughter.
So, until further developments, we have the pleasure of recording
the presence of twenty-six wild buffaloes in southern Wyoming.
There are no buffaloes whatever in the vicinity of the Yellowstone
Park, either in Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho, save what wander out of
that reservation, and when any do, they are speedily killed.
There is a rumor that there are ten or twelve mountain buffaloes
still on foot in Colorado, in a region called Lost Park, and, while
it lacks confirmation, we gladly accept it as a fact. In 1888 Mr. C.
B. Cory, of Boston, saw in Denver, Colorado, eight fresh buffalo
skins, which it was said had come from the region named above. In
1885 there was a herd of about forty "mountain buffalo" near South
Park, and although some of the number may still survive, the
indications are that the total number of wild buffaloes in Colorado
does not exceed twenty individuals.
In Texas a miserable remnant of the great southern herd still
remains in the "Pan-handle country," between the two forks of the
Canadian River. In 1886 about two hundred head survived, which
number by the summer of 1887 had been reduced to one hundred, or
less. In the hunting season of 1887-'88 a ranchman named Lee Howard
fitted out and led a strong party into the haunts of the survivors,
and killed fifty-two of them. In May, 1888, Mr. C. J. Jones again
visited this region for the purpose of capturing buffaloes alive.
His party found, from first to last, thirty-seven buffaloes, of
which they captured eighteen head, eleven adult cows and seven
calves; the greatest feat ever accomplished in buffalo-hunting. It
is highly probable that Mr. Jones and his men saw about all the
buffaloes now living in the Pan-handle country, and it therefore
seems quite certain that not over twenty-five individuals remain.
These are so few, so remote, and so difficult to reach, it is to be
hoped no one will consider them worth going after, and that they
will be left to take care of themselves. It is greatly to be
regretted that the State of Texas does not feel disposed to make a
special effort for their protection and preservation.
In regard to the existence of wild buffaloes in the British
Possessions, the statements of different authorities are at
variance, by far the larger number holding the opinion that there
are in all the Northwest Territory only a few almost solitary
stragglers. But there is still good reason for the hope, and also
the belief, that there still remain in Athabasca, between the
Athabasca and Peace Rivers, at least a few hundred "wood buffalo."
In a very interesting and well-considered article in the London
Field of November 10, 1888, Mr. Miller Christy quotes all the
available positive evidence bearing on this point, and I gladly
avail myself of the opportunity to reproduce it here:
"The Hon. Dr. Schulz, in the recent debate on the
Mackenzie River basin, in the Canadian senate, quoted
Senator Hardisty, of Edmonton, of the Hudson's Bay
Company, to the effect that the wood buffalo still
existed in the region in question. 'It was,' he said,
'difficult to estimate how many; but probably five or
six hundred still remain in scattered bands.' There had
been no appreciable difference in their numbers, he
thought, during the last fifteen years, as they could
not be hunted on horseback, on account of the wooded
character of the country, and were, therefore, very
little molested. They are larger than the buffalo of the
great plains, weighing at least 150 pounds more. They
are also coarser haired and straighter horned.
"The doctor also quoted Mr. Frank Oliver, of Edmonton,
to the effect that the wood buffalo still exists in
small numbers between the Lower Peace and Great Slave
Rivers, extending westward from the latter to the Salt
River in latitude 60 degrees, and also between the Peace
and Athabasca Rivers. He states that 'they are larger
than the prairie buffalo, and the fur is darker, but
practically they are the same animal.' ...Some buffalo
meat is brought in every winter to the Hudson's Bay
Company's posts nearest the buffalo ranges.
"Dr. Schulz further stated that he had received the
following testimony from Mr. Donald Ross, of Edmonton:
The wood buffalo still exists in the localities named.
About 1870 one was killed as far west on Peace River as
Port Dunvegan. They are quite different from the prairie
buffalo, being nearly double the size, as they will
dress fully 700 pounds." |
It will be apparent to most observers, I think, that Mr. Ross's
statement in regard to the size of the wood buffalo is a random
In a private letter to the writer, under date of October 22, 1887,
Mr. Harrison S. Young, of the Hudson's Bay Company's post at
Edmonton, writes as follows:
"The buffalo are not yet extinct in the Northwest.
There are still some stray ones on the prairies away to
the south of this, but they must be very few. I am
unable to find any one who has personal knowledge of the
killing of one during the last two years, though I have
since the receipt of your letter questioned a good many
half-breeds on the subject. In our district of
Athabasca, along the Salt River, there are still a few
wood buffalo killed every year, but they are fast
diminishing in numbers and are also becoming very shy." |
In his "Manitoba and the Great Northwest" Prof. John Macoun has
this to say regarding the presence of the wood buffalo in the region
referred to:
"The wood buffalo, when I was on the Peace River in
1875, were confined to the country lying between the
Athabasca and Peace Rivers north of latitude 57° 30', or
chiefly in the Birch Hills. They were also said to be in
some abundance on the Salt and Hay Rivers, running into
the Save River north of Peace River. The herds thirteen
years ago [now nineteen] were supposed to number about
one thousand, all told. I believe many still exist, as
the Indians of that region eat fish, which are much
easier procured than either buffalo or moose, and the
country is much too difficult for white men." |
All this evidence, when carefully considered, resolves itself
into simply this and no more: The only evidence in favor of the
existence of any live buffaloes between the Athabasca and Peace
Rivers is in the form of very old rumors, most of them nearly
fifteen years old; time enough for the Indians to have procured
fire-arms in abundance and killed all those buffaloes two or three
times over.
Mr. Miller Christy takes "the mean of the estimates," and assumes
that there are now about five hundred and fifty buffaloes in the
region named. If we are to believe in the existence there of any
stragglers his estimate is a fair one, and we will gladly accept it.
The total is therefore as follows:
Number of American bison running wild and unprotected on January
1, 1889.
In the Pan-handle of Texas |
25 |
In Colorado |
20 |
In southern Wyoming |
26 |
In the Musselshell country, Montana |
10 |
In western Dakota |
4 |
Total number in the United States |
85 |
In Athabasca, Northwest Territory (estimated) |
550 |
Total in all North America |
635 |
Add to the above the total number already recorded in captivity
(256) and those under Government protection in the Yellowstone Park
(200), and the whole number of individuals of Bison americanus now
living is 1,091.
From this time it is probable that many rumors of the sudden
appearance of herds of buffaloes will become current. Already there
have been three or four that almost deserve special mention. The
first appeared in March, 1887, when various Western newspapers
published a circumstantial account of how a herd of about three
hundred buffaloes swam the Missouri River about 10 miles above
Bismarck, near the town of Painted Woods, and ran on in a
southwesterly direction. A letter of inquiry, addressed to Mr. S. A.
Peterson, postmaster at Painted Woods, elicited the following reply:
"The whole rumor is false, and without any foundation. I saw it
first in the -- newspaper, where I believe it originated."
In these days of railroads and numberless hunting parties, there is
not the remotest possibility of there being anywhere in the United
States a herd of a hundred, or even fifty, buffaloes which has
escaped observation. Of the eighty-five head still existing in a
wild state it may safely be predicted that not even one will remain
alive five years hence. A buffalo is now so great a prize, and by
the ignorant it is considered so great an honor(!) to kill one, that
extraordinary exertions will be made to find and shoot down without
mercy the "last buffalo."
There is no possible chance for the race to be perpetuated in a wild
state, and in a few years more hardly a bone will remain above
ground to mark the existence of the must prolific mammalian species
that ever existed, so far as we know.
Effects of the Extermination
The buffalo supplied the Indian with food, clothing, shelter,
bedding, saddles, ropes, shields, and innumerable smaller articles
of use and ornament In the United States a paternal government takes
the place of the buffalo in supplying all these wants of the red
man, and it costs several millions of dollars annually to accomplish
the task.
The following are the tribes which depended very largely-some almost
wholly-upon the buffalo for the necessities, and many of the
luxuries, of their savage life until the Government began to support
Sioux |
30,561 |
Crow |
3,226 |
Piegan, Blood, and Blackfeet |
2,026 |
Cheyenne |
3,477 |
Gros Ventre |
856 |
Arickaree |
517 |
Mandan |
283 |
Bannack and Shoshone |
2,001 |
Nez Percé |
1,460 |
Assinniboine |
1,688 |
Kiowa and Comanche |
2,756 |
Arapahoe |
1,217 |
Apache |
332 |
Ute |
978 |
Omaha |
1,160 |
Pawnee |
998 |
Winnebago |
1,222 |
Total |
54,758 |
This enumeration (from the census of 1886) leaves entirely out of
consideration many thousands of Indians living in the Indian
Territory and other portions of the Southwest, who drew an annual
supply of meat and robes from the chase of the buffalo,
notwithstanding the fact that their chief dependence was upon
The Indians of what was once the buffalo country are not starving
and freezing, for the reason that the United States Government
supplies them regularly with beef and blankets in lieu of buffalo.
Does any one imagine that the Government could not have regulated
the killing of buffaloes, and thus maintained the supply, for far
less money than it now costs to feed and clothe those 54,758
How is it with the Indians of the British Possessions to-day?
Prof. John Maconn writes as follows in his "Manitoba and the Great
Northwest," page 342:
"During the last three years [prior to 1883] the
great herds have been kept south of our boundary, and,
as the result of this, our Indians have been on the
verge of starvation. When the hills were covered with
countless thousands [of buffaloes] in 1877, the
Blackfeet were dying of starvation in 1879." |
During the winter of 1886-'87, destitution and actual starvation
prevailed to an alarming extent among certain tribes of Indians in
the Northwest Territory who once lived bountifully on the buffalo. A
terrible tale of suffering in the Athabasca and Peace River country
has recently (1888) come to the minister of the interior of the
Canadian government, in the form of a petition signed by the bishop
of that diocese, six clergymen and missionaries, and several
justices of the peace. It sets forth that "owing to the destruction
of game, the Indians, both last winter and last summer, have been in
a state of starvation. They are now in a complete state of
destitution, and are utterly unable to provide themselves with
clothing, shelter, ammunition, or food for the coming winter." The
petition declares that on account of starvation, and consequent
cannibalism, a party of twenty-nine Cree Indians was reduced to
three in the winter of 1886.[77] Of the Fort Chippewyan Indians,
between twenty and thirty starved to death last winter, and the
death of many more was hastened by want of food and by famine
diseases. Many other Indians-Cree, Beavers, and Chippewyans-at
almost all points where there are missions or trading posts, would
certainly have starved to death but for the help given them by the
traders and missionaries at those places. It is now declared by the
signers of the memorial that scores of families, having lost their
heads by starvation, are now perfectly helpless, and during the
coming winter must either starve to death or eat one another unless
help comes. Heart-rending stories of suffering and cannibalism
continue to come in from what was once the buffalo plains.
If ever thoughtless people were punished for their reckless
improvidence, the Indians and half-breeds of the Northwest Territory
are now paying the penalty for the wasteful slaughter of the buffalo
a few short years ago. The buffalo is his own avenger, to an extent
his remorseless slayers little dreamed he ever could be.
of the Species From Absolute Extinction
There is reason to fear that unless the United States Government
takes the matter in hand and makes a special effort to prevent it,
the pure-blood bison will be lost irretrievably through mixture with
domestic breeds and through in-and-in breeding.
The fate of the Yellowstone Park herd is, to say the least, highly
uncertain. A distinguished Senator, who is deeply interested in
legislation for the protection of the National Park reservation, has
declared that the pressure from railway corporations, which are
seeking a foot-hold in the park, has become so great and so
aggressive that he fears the park will "eventually be broken up." In
any such event, the destruction of the herd of park buffaloes would
be one of the very first results. If the park is properly
maintained, however, it is to be hoped that the buffaloes now in it
will remain there and increase indefinitely.
As yet there are only two captive buffaloes in the possession of the
Government, viz, those in the Department of Living Animals of the
National Museum, presented by Hon. E. G. Blackford, of New York. The
buffaloes now in the Zoological Gardens of the country are but few
in number, and unless special pains be taken to prevent it, by means
of judicious exchanges, from time to time, these will rapidly
deteriorate in size, and within a comparatively short time run out
entirely, through continued in-and-in breeding. It is said that even
the wild aurochs in the forests of Lithuania are decreasing in size
and, in number from this cause.
With private owners of captive buffaloes, the temptations to produce
cross-breeds will be so great that it is more than likely the
breeding of pure-blood buffaloes will be neglected. Indeed, unless
some stockman like Mr. C. J. Jones takes particular pains to protect
his full blood buffaloes, and keep the breed absolutely pure, in
twenty years there will not be a pure-blood animal of that species
on any stock farm in this country. Under existing conditions, the
constant tendency of the numerous domestic forms is to absorb and
utterly obliterate the few wild ones.
If we may judge from the examples set as by European governments, it
is clearly the duty of our Government to act in this matter, and act
promptly, with a degree of liberality and promptness which can not
be otherwise than highly gratifying to every American citizen and
every friend of science throughout the world. The Fiftieth Congress,
at its last session, responded to the call made upon it, and voted
$200,000 for the establishment of a National Zoological Park in the
District of Columbia on a grand scale. One of the leading purposes
it is destined to serve is the preservation and breeding in
comfortable, and so far as space is concerned, luxurious captivity
of a number of fine specimens of every species of American quadruped
now threatened with extermination.78
At least eight or ten buffaloes of pure breed should be secured very
soon by the Zoological Park Commission, by gift if possible, and
cared for with special reference to keeping the breed absolutely
pure, and keeping the herd from deteriorating and dying out through
in-and-in breeding.
The total expense would be trifling in comparison with the
importance of the end to be gained, and in that way we might, in a
small measure, atone for our neglect of the means which would have
protected the great herds from extinction. In this way, by proper
management, it will be not only possible but easy to preserve fine
living representatives of this important species for centuries to
The result of continuing in-breeding is certain extinction. Its
progress may be so slow as to make no impression upon the mind of a
herd-owner, but the end is only a question of time. The fate of a
majority of the herds of British wild cattle (Bos urus) warn us what
to expect with the American bison under similar circumstances. Of
the fourteen herds of wild cattle which were in existence in England
and Scotland during the early part of the present century, direct
descendants of the wild herds found in Great Britain, nine have
become totally extinct through in breeding.
The five herds remaining are those at Somerford Park, Blickling
Hall, Woodbastwick, Chartley, and Chillingham.
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Extermination of the American Bison,
1886-’87, By William T. Hornaday, Government Printing Office,
Washington, 1889
Extermination of the American Bison