The very name Satanta conjures an image of strength, of wildness
and primitive cunning. To the white settlers in Texas and Oklahoma
it was a name to inspire terror. To the Kiowas it was, and still is,
a name synonymous with courage and leadership. Satanta-White
Bear-was born about 1830 in Indian Territory at a time when the
Kiowas were at war with several other tribes such as the Osages,
Navajos, Utes and Tonkawas. They also had a profitable hobby of
raiding the white and Mexican settlements in New Mexico and parts of
Texas. He was raised as a warrior and distinguished himself in
battle many times.
He was about 10 when the disastrous smallpox epidemic of 1840 almost
decimated the Kiowas. When he was 19 he saw many of his friends and
loved ones die in the cholera epidemic which is the most terrible
experience in the tribe's history.
As a leading brave, Satanta participated in raids in Texas even
after the Kiowas and their Comanche allies had made peace with the
United States via the Treaty of 1853. It was the reasoning of the
Indians that Texas and the United States were enemies because Texas
was in armed rebellion against the government of the United States
at the time of the treaty. Therefore, Texas could be raided even
while friendly relations were maintained with the United States.
On one war party into Texas, Satanta brought back a captive woman
and her four children and attempted to obtain ransom for them at
Fort Larned. The Indian Agent upbraided them for taking captive
citizens of the Untied States and demanded that the prisoners be
returned without any compensation to the kidnappers. Satanta said
that he would have to confer with his chiefs, and as he pretended to
parley the war party sneaked away with the captives. Satanta turned
them over to the army at Fort Dodge for a tidy ransom.
After the signing of a new treaty on October 21, 1867, peace again
was negotiated with the Kiowas and Comanches. Satanta, who was tall
and muscular and had a knack for public speaking, was one of the
signers of the Medicine Lodge Treaty. Despite his warlike attitude,
Satanta was popular with the army leaders and became widely known as
"the orator of the Plains."
General George A. Custer was placed in charge of the Indian
Territory after the treaty, and it was he who led the infamous raid
on a Cheyenne village on the Washita River, near Cheyenne,
Oklahoma's, on November 27, 1868. Black Kettle and 103 of his
followers were massacred in the so-called Battle of the Washita, and
redskin fury grew as the news spread among the tribes., The Kiowas
then were approached by Custer and ordered to go to Fort Cobb, which
was planned as the Kiowa Agency, or they would be treated in the
same manner as Black Kettle's band. When some families tried to
steal away, Lone Wolf and Satanta, respectively head chief and sub
chief, were seized. Custer told the Kiowas that their chiefs would
be hanged unless the tribe capitulated and went immediately to the
reservation. When all but one Kiowa band delivered themselves to
Fort Cobb, the chiefs were released.
Even after they settled on the reservations, the Kiowas continued
their raids into Texas. On May 17-18, 1871, General Sherman traveled
with a small escort along the Butterfield Trail of Texas to
investigate personally the reports of Indian atrocities. In the
region between Fort Griffin and Fort Richardson, scene of several
Indian ambuscades, Sherman remarked upon the peacefulness of the
countryside and suggested that the reports of the settlers must have
been exaggerated. Little did he suspect that his movements were
observed from the nearby hills by a war party of more than 100
Kiowas, Comanches and Kiowa-Apaches, under the leadership of Satanta,
Satank and the great Kiowa medicine man, Maman-ti. Only with
difficulty did Maman-ti restrain the warriors from attacking. He
explained that his medicine forbade the attack because bigger prey
was coming.
The medicine man knew were of he spoke, for a few hours later a
wagon train came into view. Satanta did not order the attack until
the wagons were in open country, away from any cover. Then the war
party swooped down, catching the teamsters by surprise. There were
10 wagons, all heavily laden with goods, attended by wagon master
Nathan Long and eleven men.
In the initial assault, Long and three teamsters were killed and
another man was wounded, falling inside a wagon and believed by his
comrades to be dead. Three Indians were shot down, one fatally.
After a cautious siege, the Indians keeping their distance to avoid
the marksmanship of the teamsters, the surviving seven white men
made a dash for some nearby woods and were hotly pursued by a group
of mounted braves. Two of the men were killed and the others managed
to escape and hide in the thicket.
The raiders stayed back from the wagons, fearful of a trap. Finally,
a young Kiowa warrior named Hau-tau raced to one of the wagons and
claimed it was his own property. An instant later a rifle was thrust
from the wagon and a bullet smashed into Hau-tau's face. The fatal
shot (the warrior died several days later) was fired by the wounded
The Indians fell upon the wagons in savage fury, seizing the wounded
teamster and tying him to a wagon tongue, face down. A fire was
built under him and he was slowly roasted. The bodies of the other
men were mutilated horribly before the war party gathered up their
loot, rounded up 41 mules belonging to the Warren Mercantile Company
and headed back to the reservation at Fort Sill. A heavy rain
covered their trail.
Troops under Col. Mackenzie found the remains of the wagon train,
which had been carrying grain from the railroad at Weatherford,
Indian Territory, to Fort Griffin. Suspecting that the raiders would
go directly to the reservation in the belief they would be safe
there, the troopers followed. Sherman was informed of the massacre
and arrived at Fort Sill a few days later. It is difficult to
understand the reasoning of a man like Satanta. He was raised to
believe that a life of warfare and plunder was the right and proper
life for a warrior, and he did not believe that he would be punished
for it.
Lawrie Tatum, the Indian Agent at Fort Sill, was a Quaker and had
handled his charges with brotherly love and kindness. Despite his
non-violent beliefs, Tatum had come to the conclusion, even before
the wagon train massacre, that his peace policy would not work with
the Kiowa-Comanche bands. Now he asked Satanta if he and his men
were responsible for the raid. To his horror, Satanta then demanded
that guns and ammunition be supplied to his men so they could
continue their degradations. Tatum, sick at heart, suggested that
Satanta speak to General Sherman about it. Sherman sent word that
the Indian leaders should meet him in council on the front porch of
Colonel Grierson's house at Fort Sill.
Satanta, Big Tree, Satank, Lone Wolf, Kicking Bird and Stumbling
Bear kept the appointment. Kicking Bird was a worker for peace and
tried to restrain his fellow chiefs from telling about their part in
the massacre, but Satanta proudly told the whole story. Sherman then
announced that Satanta, Satank and Big Tree must go to Texas and be
tried in the civil court for the murders. He further said that the
tribe must make restitution to the owners of the wagons and mules.
Satanta started to draw his pistol, saying that he would rather be
shot than stand trial. He was quickly covered by carbines of the
troopers. Kicking Bird tried to plead for the accused chiefs, but
Sherman was adamant. Stumbling Bear, who was an advocate of peace,
upbraided his men and then announced that he would kill Sherman
himself. He drew his bow, but some of his friends grabbed him and
the arrow went wild. Then Lone Wolf aimed his gun at the general,
and was tackled to the ground by Grierson. Sherman reiterated his
demand that the three chiefs of the wagon train raid must be taken
to trial.
The prisoners were piled into wagons and taken toward Fort
Richardson. Old Satank chose to die in a futile attempt to kill his
guards, but Satanta and Big Tree stood trial and were condemned to
hang. The governor of Texas commuted their sentences to life
imprisonment in the state penitentiary. After two years they were
released on condition that their tribe refrained from further
warlike activities. Actually, their release was brought about by
unrest among the Kiowas, now under the leadership of the implacable
Lone Wolf. The great chief held out for the freedom of his friends
as terms of peace.
When there were further raids in Texas, it was widely said that
Satanta was involved. Actually, he was hunting buffalo at the time,
but his notoriety was such that he was arrested and returned to
prison in 1874. To the freedom loving chief, such a life was
untenantable, and his health and spirits declined rapidly. On
October 11, 1878, he brought an end to his unhappy existence by
diving headfirst from the upper story of the prison hospital. His
skull was smashed on the concrete floor.
The books presented are for their historical value only and are
not the opinions of the Webmasters of the site.
Collection of books and papers, 1922-1925
Indian Warriors