- Kitunaha, Hale in U.S. Expl. Exp., VI, 204, 535, 1846
(between the forks of the Columbia). Gallatin in Trans. Am. Eth.
Soc., II, pt. 1, c, 10, 77, 1848 (Flatbow). Berghaus (1851),
Physik. Atlas, map 17, 1853. Latham in Trans. Philolog. Soc.
Lond., 70, 1856. Latham, Opuscula, 388, 1860. Latham, El. Comp.
Phil., 395, 1862 (between 52° and 48° N.L., west of main ridge
of Rocky Mountains). Gatschet in Mag. Am. Hist., 170, 1877 (on
Kootenay River).
- Coutanies, Hale in U.S. Expl. Exp., VI, 204, 1846 (=
- Kútanis, Latham, Nat. Hist. Man., 316, 1850 (Kitunaha).
- Kituanaha, Gallatin in Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, III, 402,
1853 (Coutaria or Flatbows, north of lat. 49°).
- Kootanies, Buschmann, Spuren der aztek. Sprache, 661, 1859.
- Kutani, Latham, El. Comp. Phil, 395, 1862 (or Kitunaha).
- Cootanie, Latham, El. Comp. Phil., 395, 1862 (synonymous
with Kitunaha).
- Kootenai, Gatschet in Mag. Am. Hist., 170, 1877 (defines
area occupied). Gatschet in Beach, Ind. Misc., 446, 1877.
Bancroft, Nat. Races, III, 565, 1882.
- Kootenuha, Tolmie and Dawson, Comp. Vocabs., 79-87, 1884
(vocabulary of Upper Kootenuha).
- Flatbow, Hale in U.S. Expl. Exp., VI, 204, 1846 (= Kitunaha).
Gallatin in Trans. Am. Eth. Soc., II, pt. 1, 10, 77, 1848 (after
Hale). Buschmann, Spuren der aztek. Sprache, 661, 1859. Latham,
El. Comp. Phil., 395, 1862 (or Kitunaha). Gatschet in Mag. Am.
Hist., 170, 1877.
- Flachbogen, Berghaus (1851), Physik. Atlas, map 17, 1852.
- Shushwaps, Keane, App. Stanford’s Comp. (Cent. and So. Am.),
460, 474, 1878 (includes Kootenais (Flatbows or Skalzi)).
This family was based upon a tribe variously termed Kitunaha,
Kutenay, Cootenai, or Flatbow, living on the Kootenay River, a
branch of the Columbia in Oregon.
Mr. Gatschet thinks it is probable that there are two dialects of
the language spoken respectively in the extreme northern and
southern portions of the territory occupied, but the vocabularies at
hand are not sufficient to definitely settle the question.
The area occupied by the Kitunahan tribes is inclosed between the
northern fork of the Columbia River, extending on the south along
the Cootenay River. By far the greater part of the territory
occupied by these tribes is in British Columbia.
The principal divisions or tribes are Cootenai, or Upper Cootenai;
Akoklako, or Lower Cootenai; Klanoh-Klatklam, or Flathead Cootenai;
Yaketahnoklatakmakanay, or Tobacco Plains Cootenai.
Population.—There are about 425
Cootenai at Flathead Agency, Montana, and 539 at Kootenay Agency,
British Columbia; total, 964.
Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico, 1891